
Lap Dogs

"I'd rather be trapped in a coal mine with 3 republicans and a lap dog..."
--Tyne Daly's character in Judging Amy, explaining how much she does NOT want to do something.

As much as I often laugh and dismiss lap dogs as a concept, this is what really happens: I see the dog and smile and give it the obligatory scratches behind the ears, under the chin, etc. I move on, rolling my eyes. Lap dogs...puhleeze. 10 minutes later, where is the dog? In my lap basking in my undivided attention and affection.

In case anyone is wondering, you will not find me with 3 republicans in my lap, basking in my undivided attention and affection.


Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name..

Fortunately, I have a few places like this.. I went to one of them today..the salon. Most women will agree that when you find a hair designer/stylist that you like, don't switch! I've been fortunate to have found that person when I was 7 years old. With exception to my 4 years in NY, I have been a loyal client. I now have to drive a good 30 minutes to get there, but I never even considered finding a new place for my cuts, color, nails and waxing. I've been with them through 3 locations, several expansions and a few rare staff changes. I'm even invited to employee parties and events (weddings and showers included). I love all that.

But I also love the little moments: giggling with the girls while flipping through our first Men's lingerie catalog, sorting through romantic interest from other clients (fortunately, they have the good sense to go through the front desk staff who can give me the scoop and re-arrange the schedule if something feels creepy), swapping faux tan tips, breaking out into occasional dance.... and the list goes on.

Walking out of somewhere looking better on the outside and feeling better in the inside? Worth every penny.


Mavs Mania

We are not making it up. Mavs mania is an authentic phenomenon that has swept over the big D and its inhabitants. Just a small sample of proof:

  • As far as bebe Me is concerned, feminine wiles ( a very real and effective power) should only be used for good. Somehow, this particular principle slipped her mind, coincidentally, at about the same time an opportunity for Mavs tickets (season holder tix) arose.
  • Every girl in the DFW area, whether she will admit it or not, has a crush on Dirk Nowitsky. Tall.... Blond... And to watch him on the court... mmm (..wait, did I just admit something?)

I swear, it's the mania talking...


In these busy times...

The following email (the gist of it) appeared in my inbox on Wed. afternoon:

hi girls! Wanna get together for dinner next Wednesday night?

Ten emails and 2 days later, 3 girls were able to set one night for dinner.

And when is that night?

In 3 weeks.


Timeless Question for This Dark Chocolate Lover

Why do they even bother to make milk chocolate?


Maybe it's YOU

If I'm shivering and say something about feeling cold in the arctic TX air conditioning, it is because I really am cold and probably have goose bumps and am tired of keeping quiet, just so that I won't hear any or all of the following:

"You need to gain weight."
"You need to wear more clothes."
"It's because you don't eat meat."

I'm sorry, I just get cold easily. And when someone says they are really hot, I don't ever say, "You need stop eating meat. And while you're at it, lose some weight so that you can wear less clothing."

to Steve Nash


Apologies to all my usual game watching buddies for having to listen to me say that a million times during every game.