

Not only am I a gym rat, but I'm a certified cardio nut. Intensity intervals, uphill climbs, 3 different cardio machines in one workout... anything to get my heart rate up. I will push myself until the latest possible minute until I have to leave the gym in order to get to work. Truthfully, I do enjoy it. We cardio cross-trainers have our own version of runner's high. But I'm not going to lie...some of it is all about burning calories. But this week, I decided to cut my cardio sessions 15 minutes short and do more extensive stretching. I feel great after I stretch and I know that in the end, the stretching reduces risk of injury and enhances your cardio performance.

So why do I still feel cheated? I mean how many more calories could I really be burning in 15 lousy minutes? Have a I crossed a line into some kind of cardio addiction? Do they have support groups for this?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I always feel great after stretching and cardio!! I may not want to work out, but I feel so good after!!!