
Move Over Hallmark, it's Valentines Day with bebe Me (Belated)

Anyone that knows me knows how I love anything glittery and shiny, feminine and sensuous and candy and chocolate. So how could I not celebrate Valentine's Day whole-heartedly? Love? Ok, that's cool if you happen to have it and if that's what you want to make V-day about. But love has never been a limitation for me. In earlier years, I got fun little gifts from my parents, but as an adult, I buy myself my own gifts, always frivolous, but not necessarily pricey. I hand out candy, stickers, hand made valentines, all of it. I've heard that some people only celebrate when they have a significant other... Me? The first time I actually and a significant other on that day, I was a little out of sorts....how does this work?

No, I'm not trying to make any kind of statement. I really just love to celebrate the pretty things of Valentine's Day for what they are rather than for what Hallmark says they represent (with all due respect to Hallmark, without which there would be nothing for me to celebrate).

I'm not saying everyone has to celebrate Valentine's Day my way or anyone else's way, but as for me, I'm always here to spread the glittery cheer!

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