
Guess what is in my refrigerator’s fruit drawer right now? Filled. To the brim.

If someone were to ask me which months I’d choose to come out of hibernation if I had to hibernate for 10 months out of the year (someone might TOO ask me that), I wouldn’t even have to think twice. I’d choose mid-July to mid-September. Why? Two sacred words:

White nectarines.

This being the season for that sweet, luscious Ambrosia of the Gods. This alone, my friends, is reason enough.

But since I’d be out already…

I could also load up on the second best fruit in the world – white peaches. Plus, I’d catch the tail end of watermelon season and sneak in as much NOKA chocolate as possible before slipping back into hibernation with a tummy full of heaven and some lovely new winter boots on my feet.


Anna said...

I agree completely - in fact, I just had a white peach with my oatmeal for breakfast. Why is it that the white ones taste so much better than the yellow ones? Less syrupy?

bebeMe said...

Actually, as myfriend told me, the flesh of nectarines and peaches are naturally white. The yellow ones came out of a misguided attempt to extend their shelf life.