
We blondes eventually get it. It just takes a few seconds. Or years.

This morning, I woke up to the life of my dreams. My dreams from the year 2006.

You see, about three years ago, I was trying to find my brain.  It had gotten lost somewhere in the rubble of professional tedium and discontent that I'd let accumulate for too many years.  I was ready to make a dramatic change, and yet I had no idea of what I wanted to do.  What I did know was that I was going to have to start right back down at the gritty bottom.  So after a few months of asking people if they thought I'd be able to become a hip-hop violinist without having to actually play the violin or a professional personal shopper without having to shop for someone else, I finally buckled down to figure out some real, entry-level options.

And  three years later, I'm knee-deep in one of those entry-level options and the opportunities to wade right into the next level are unabashedly throwing themselves in front of me.  The problem being, of course, that I NO LONGER WANT THEM.

Bloody hell, y'all.  I uprooted my entire life, moved to Crunchy City, put my work up to be publicly crucified on a weekly basis and came out with a lovely portfolio that killed a few hundred thousand of my brain cells.  All so I could call up a temp agency and live out my dreams that expired right along with the second Bionic Woman.

God bless my karma.  I guess she's blonde too.


Kristan said...

Er... Well... Better late than never? :P

Angie said...

Haha Kristan is witty.

It only gets better :) Besides I'm glad you went to crunchy city because we became friends!

bebeMe said...

Yes, I'm very glad we all (Kristan included) became friends and blogger buddies. And I have no regrets - I think I've definitely made the right choices about things in my life. Except for getting the blonde karma. Oh yeah, wait. That WASN'T my choice. :-)