
Shout out to the sexiest girl in Palo Alto

You rock! Thank ALL that is holy that we will never think it's sexy to wear a thong and shake cellulite (aka what she thinks is her hot little ass) in front of everyone at the pool even if the music is mixed by Julio the Wonder Boy Who Dates Supermodels.

The old school Madonna house mix almost made up for freaky cracker DJ, standing in line for 15 minutes for 2 drink orders (and who knows how much longer without the so totally-un-PC- that-I-can't-write-it on-this-blog, new "friend" of yours), drunk gropers, friggin' 70 degree no shorts weather, and the worst.... dearth of hip-hop clubbing (Why is it SO difficult to find??)

Love your kitties (certain aromas are forgotten) and that shy guy!

Coming soon: you and me, the beach and pina coladas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right back atcha! The fluffy one apologizes for his unseemly aroma that evening, and the demon baby for encroaching on our cute three-some picture (look closely at the full-length pre-club one). xo always