
The world has not come to an end!

This is what I always realize after doing or saying something that affirms my intentions to commit.

This past weekend, in the company of a few friends, a few acquaintances and several strangers, I finally worked up the nerve to utter the phrase, “I’m moving to Austin.” Two days later, the sun still rises and sets, I still need to buy Woolite Dark, 635 westbound is still congested at I-35 in the morning, Kroger still accepts my Shoppers Plus card, and it seems that there are no invisible ropes tying me down behind the invisible bars in the invisible 4-sided box of commitment…yet…. And I even managed to establish 2 new social contacts in Austin.


Anna said...

I know the feeling. Except for me, I was in denial until I was sitting on an airplane about to take off for Paris, when it hit me. I remember distinctly shouting (in my head, of course, so as not to be restrained), "What Have I Done?!!" So maybe it's good that you're having moments of panic before the actual move? Seems the sensible thing to do.

bebeMe said...

OMG. Panic on a PLANE! I need a paper bag. :-) I guess it's not the actual move that frightens me, but that the move represents a life-changing 24+ month committment. I get very worked up over symbols and representations. I'm not sure what that means...