
Significant Intern Moment #4: Some like it corny

You may or may not be wondering what exactly happened next in the Scriptwriting Sink or Swim. I’ll tell you anyway. I swam. And I paddled and floated right into the next Significant Moment.

You see, what happens after you read your scripts aloud to the room is that every person at the table takes a turn to critique each script. And this is when the opening line of one of my scripts was raved over by half the room (“Perfect opening line!” “Makes me hungry!” “Takes me right there!”) and hated and spat upon by the other half. One of those being the copywriting creative director who has a reputation of telling it like it is and who I’m pretty sure, wanted to throw up right there in the room. Something about the corniest, cheesiest line ever – one that reeked of advertisingese.

And while he was losing his breakfast in the corner, I was glowing. I’d polarized the room! Hell yeah.

1 comment:

Kristan said...

Haha, yeah, polarizing people is actually a good thing. It's when they're bored/can't bother to care that you have more of a problem.