
London Trip, Sunday 10/2--Low Key London

Sunday was low key. We took another opportunity to see more of Soho/West End and spent time relaxing at the hotel.

  • What is your food buffet personality? Today was the first day that our complimentary hotel breakfast fit into our schedule. My food buffet personality is to try a tiny, little bit of everything interesting. I end up with a really crazy looking plate of various 1/2 bites. (I'm sure that someone can read psychologically into this, but whatever). So this morning, I dove into the British culture and tried a bite of the following: Red Leciester Cheese (tastes kind of like Cheddar), black currant jelly, orange marmalade and something I'd never seen before called Marmit. I'll be honest. Marmit, to me, tastes like really, really salty, creamy soy sauce spread. In other words, bleccccccchh.

  • A fireman is a fireman is a fireman. The fire alarm went off in our hotel and we all traipsed down many flights of stairs to the back of the building. Fortunately, it turned out to be nothing, but the ladies will be pleased to know that British firemen in uniform are just as hot as Amerian firemen in uniform.

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