
A step behind...

You know when you hear everyone talking about a celebrity and you read/see interviews with that person, so you feel like you know all about them until you realize that you've never actually seen that person in performance? But then you think, well, how could I not have ever really seen her/him and you convince yourself that you probably have seen that person, but it must not have made any impression on you so you probably aren't a big fan? Or is that just me? Anyway, until this past weekend, Vince Vaughn was one of those celebrities for me. I saw Wedding Crashers, mainly because Owen Wilson always cracks me up and I assumed that he would be the best part. But surprise, surprise.... Vince Vaughn stole the show as far as I'm concerned. He is HILARIOUS. Soooo, I may be a step behind the rest of the world, but now I want to know what other movies of his I may have missed......

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