
Fall Shmall. At least I saved the lovely white Benetton leather.

I have a tolerance that lets me drink about ½ a cocktail before I start finishing sentences that I forgot I started. So I expected that something might happen when I went to the Fall Creek Vineyards Annual Grape Stomp and Harvest Festival in Tow, Texas.

Sure enough, one minute I was gliding along the dirt road in my white shorts, white bag and pretty white shoes
and the next minute, I was staring at the little dirt road pebbles that were 3 inches from my face and desperately reaching for my handbag so that I could brush off the dirt before it seeped into the pristine white leather.

Absolutely, I expected this to happen. It’s just that I thought it would happen after I’d had 8 kinds of wine instead of before I’d even made it to the entrance of the festival.


Kristan said...

LOL well life does like to throw us some curve balls every now and then.

Anonymous said...

OMG - Why, WHY couldn't I have seen that? Please, I beg you, next time you go to a drinking event, can you call me so I can come watch??? xoxo Holly