
It was an Accident...I promise

I don't like to think of myself as and elitist in anything; but ok, I'm a bit of a food snob. Being a food snob, I feel comfortable in "upscale" places; that is that I know how to act, what to do, etc. However, that does not mean that some of these places can make me feel a little repressed. Let me explain. I'm referring to the restaurants that are so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. Everything from the quaint decor to the servers' perfectly proper manners seem, well, uptight to me. Something about it makes me want to bring in some dancing music and get up on the table..especially in the early evening when the few patrons are usually a little older and more proper. I would never do that, but inevitably, I will accidentally do something to cause a minor spectacle.

A couple of years ago, I was at such a restaurant and I dropped all of my flatware on the floor at the same time. CLANG!!

Last week, I found myself in another very quiet, proper restaurant week. This time, we were sitting right next to the window and my purse came crashing down into the mini-blinds.

No, these incidents do not embarass me (I sincerely hope they don't embarrass my dining companion), but rather, brings a much needed balance to the much too proper setting. At least in my head.

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